Progressing towards a visionary expo where premium accounting services are one tap away!

Avail Asquare AnB’s reliable services and grow exponentially

Accounting Solutions

All of us are aware that handling data is a sensitive issue. Any damage or loss of data could lead to a permanent unrecoverable consequence to the business. A notable fact of this data is that it tends to increase every time you shut down your system. With so much to take care of, do you think it is possible for you to do it all?

25+ Accounting Experts

Our crew comprises more than 25 verified specialists who hold expertise in each accounting service we offer to our clients.

45+ Services Offered

ASquareanb offers a wide range of facilities starting from the top to the toe of accounting and bookkeeping.

24/7 Service Support

With our clients expanding worldwide with different time zones, we are available for on-call assistance round the clock.

Our Portfolio

We specialize in numerous accounting services provided across the industry. We explain and guide our clients throughout their collaboration with our team, besides taking the initiative to resolve primary issues-

Say Goodbye

Our advanced tools are designed to eliminate your manual labor and perform reconciliation assignments automatically, thus resulting in efficient and error-free data.

Productive Risk

Discover a collection of strategic techniques to review and analyze individual and collective performance—a simplified yet power-packed model built to eliminate risk.


Our methods provide a multicultural environment that aligns with your policy obligations. We assure transparency across services and authentic resources to comply with your objectives.

First Point
of Contact

We serve you so that you can serve your clients—secured professional communication to bridge the gap between your demands and our results.

Bookkeeping Services

Bookkeeping Services

Accounting, being a vital process, needs to be handled by someone who can aid in the decision-making process with the help of financial data. Our bookkeeping facilities aim to reduce the stress of in-house handling and eliminate the need to hire a new bookkeeper.

The services rendered by our affordable and certified accounting and bookkeeping specialists enable you to make expeditious decisions.


Business accounting is considered the most complex part of a business, and you might often require a little help from consulting experts, comprising certified accountants and tax professionals. It is this team that fulfills your goals with business consulting.

A timely resolution of all your accounting queries can be answered by certified Professionals who have special privileges to access the top business tools, support, and training.

Data Security

Data Security

We believe that data is the foundation of the digital era, so it is vital to have adequate tools to secure and retrieve it in times of need. We at ASquareanb provide you with similar solutions.

We propose the best quality tools to restore and repair your data for uninterrupted business growth.

Always-on Support

ASquareanb offers various services per our clientele needs as we start by discussing what suits them better. Let us begin the conversation by knowing your requirements.

Call Us (123) 456-7890